Those Malibu Smarties The kick in her Picky ways Being Nosy Days in or out Too long ((Pinnochio))
Sipping Italian Cappuccino The cozy Vineyard Calvin Klein Wild horses couldn't stop you or keep Time 4-U Only you* * 2 B pushed Far in Wait--- The Star wins What about the ? I hope the first choice My pick The picket fence
His Polo-top his pants banged into something In her way He knows He must redo it over The lover of the picket fence He walked into her White website Starry moon
Over Yonder Lake picnic lagoon White lights She wonders?
Wise white painted footstool Owl-prowl Right -Time traveler fool He sent you his drink
Hi and wink mystical glance Those block parties food for the soul No control Clogged your arteries White picket fence
You went in France Wee we Small regrets bites White jacket websites Journal Police There was no picket fence Wed rice Became long_ hallway Hallucination more visualizing He picked you To be reborn reincarnation Like death do us New birth so fuss Like many Dying You lived deeply in his trance He Loves your eyes to his doorway How he leads you there is no denying
A romance with a white picket fence leads the way with our words how they come together love sometimes you feel like a nut or he won't or you don't