Surfacing Tides-Storms Come Father! It's so dark ! I'm whispering Where fore art thou Oh my Lord! My soul only seeking this Why.. Oh God how, Lord why! My God from where did evil get in among us. Please help! I am smiling I look normal I am holding conversations, engaging at times small giggling. She seems alright. Am I ok! The Tides roll ashore upon the beaches sand. I feel sane ok. That Pulling me away from the shore line this tides withdrawing, I'm drowning at bay. I dont feel safe, I'm Lost, sad, angry, questions, tears sobs drowning. Lost at sea. Lord reach for me. The tides pushing me back to the shore line. Things seem a little fine. a touch of peace of mind. Socializing, guessing playing investigator. People chatting family saying comforting things. I seem to be breathing. At times hearing things seeing things feeling the weakness,, The helplessness. Watching the tides subsides. sanity, reasons logics, I don't know the whys or the hows. Killings are happening on local tv scenes. Tides are low,, Then they are high. We wonder where and when will each soul rest. lookin up to a storm in the sky. each one has a reason why. The storms come. By s.a.m selinasharday
searching, losing, dealing, the grieving times, the tides, life storms