He didn't feel like getting any of his thoughts out into the world anymore. He felt that nothing mattered and that his presence was defined only by the clothes he wore and not by the words that wore him out.
He started wearing shirts. Up 'til the last button. He became numb and all of his dumb fears became brave in one instance.
No one recognized his face anymore.. for a while now. They were concentrating on other things, and when he finally recognized the truth that was staring at him from the mirror, he decided to hit the "snooze" button.
He couldn't find any reason to get out of bed in the morning, nor to go to sleep at night. He was in limbo, in a purgatorial state of mind, with one foot set in irrelevance and the other one stepping in the **** of inadequacy.
He felt weak and small, although he was never thin, nor fit.
He still loved everyone and wanted more from them, even though nobody wanted more of him.
He often felt like the screaming guy in Munch's painting - surrounded by color, light and everyone's rear end - Oh, what a wonderful state of mind!
He stopped setting up his alarm. It felt useless - everything had already happened, anyhow. His life started showing the MUTE button in the corner of his internal screen.
He suddenly became very quiet but despite all the silence that was surrounding him NOW, there was a lot of noise in his head.