How is it possible To feel two things at once? "Dichotomies." Atrocities That sheer the mind like paper. "I hate you, I love you," Spoken so close together. Every time, Each some crime. I'm b roKen then TRANSFORMED.
A swelling heart, A burning rage. Back and forth. Don't turn the page. Not again, Not like this. Please don't stop this thrilling chase.
"Stay with me," "Leave me be," If you know what's best for you. I'm good for you, I promise you. "Don't look at me," "Who is she?"
I'll isolate Everything.
There is none, I'm the one.
I am nothing, This time it's final. I'm sick of you, So don't come back. Where are you going? Why am I sewing This new patch?
Let me f a d e i n t o b l a c k . . .
I played around a bit with structuring here. It was fun! This is meant to be read with different paces in each section. Starting off slow, then picking up, slowling to desperation... until the calm hopeless emptiness of isolation, to anger again and once more back through a slow drop into giving up.