A shoe box filled with borrowed song lyrics About two cups of gel pens that still smell like hot glue and cardboard Probably 8 Fiji bottles of water with about 3 swallows left in each And a basket of hair supplies that are seriously lacking in bobby pins.
I love A lot more people than I have room for And each one of them believe they hold my entire heart - I love A few indie movies here and there, a few artists here and there, Myself here and there - Maybe I love Reminiscing and trying to recreate the things I've lost Because I always lose.
I wish for Traditional objects of desire: happiness, excellence, definite love - Shoes that don't have socks wedged where the toes should be - About $10 more in my bank account to spend on chocolate, A clear throat, a throat that doesn't always hold dissatisfaction- A better singing voice because music soothes the sting And I want to be irrevocably, singlehandedly responsible for healing myself