Back when dead men used to breathe & world wasn't driven the edge of a knife With a wink & a big laugh on their face Some kids were born to live **** life
As we grew up a little We grew up little shy Little lazy, little crazy Wondered looking at sky
From the first time we cried To the last time we laughed From wet smell of clay To sand castles at bay From playing in mud To get beaten from parents But as we were the studs That madness was permanent
Those little drops in slow pace When sky poured rain on our face With a big smile, looking up high at clouds That li'l kid spreaded it's arms to embrace
To the *** in dreamsight To the thirst at midnight To those small small things for which we siblings used to fight To those school fights we fought To the mind full of thoughts We used to find happiness In whatever we got
All these moments that we cherish has become memories lightly perished Our childhood has become a lie In the era of suits & tie The signals have crossed our mind in the world of technology & science And we have forgotten the vibes of back when we used to be alive You wake up at midnight, Sit still, not having a peace of mind You search around for love in the brightness of deamlight You smile at your old pictures & wonder How you used to live whole, remember?
A little step into the world of poetry. Please add your response to it if you like it. It would be highly appreciated.