I was once a carefree and playful child one who watched movies, and as a result grew up learning there was a love interest in every scenario I saw character development and watched as the former loser would overcome their own fears and get the beauty every **** time. they gained their confidence, plus a partner in crime to share their new life with as they shared a passionate kiss and rode happily into the sunset
I grew with these false premises in my mind as I waded carefully through the torrential downpour of emotions in my angsty adolescence I wasn’t yet confident enough in myself to imagine someone by my side to share my suffering but I thought that one day, I would be and they would reach out to me as suddenly as they had on tv
the former loser was never my path to follow. I am ending my teen years as a different trope the confident girl who doesn’t need anyone else she knows her flaws, but loves herself endlessly, but this is where the storyline fails. I still walk with my head high, but I have yet to attract my match with the personality everyone boasts will be enough it’s not.
it’s never enough.
it’s time for film to be a little more ******* accurate, but maybe that’s why we love it so much? It shares the stories that we may never know, in a world so full of desire, yet so devoid of passion for one another.
Cheers to you for seeking your sunset lover. I’ll be waiting in the club of broken hearts when reality shatters your hope and leaves you to live the same path as I.