The clock is ticking, The tension is building, The crowd of competitors is thinning, The air is filled with the chills of cutthroat rivalry. At this point coursing through my veins is adrenaline giving me the courage and telling me," I CAN DO IT. " But how can I ignore the darkness within me, a voice whisper " What if .....?" "What if you fail?" " What if you forget? " "What if you make a fool out of yourself? " I'm lost. Forced to my feet by a distant call I rise. I find myself on center stage facing a multitude of stares. The crowds have now begun to resemble a hungry pack of wolves tearing into the fragile fabric of my being. Like a fledgling's first flight I take a leap of faith and I begin to speak. The words begin to flow out of me as the dam of my inhibitions shatters. The stares that once threatened to engulf me are now filled with wonder and awe as my aura captivates the crowd. The shackles of stage fright that held me back have now given way as I emerge from myself a new being devoid of the shroud of fear and adorned by a glistening veil of confidence and control. I felt lighter than before. I now stood with my head held high, a master of my shortcoming, a master of my fear. That's when it dawned on me Does winning matter anymore? Will that piece of metal change the person that I have become? and that's when I realized. It is not winning or losing that matters but participation. It is the thrill of a challenge, the fear of failure, and the joy praise that makes you who you are. And that is when I asked myself.... Is The Medal All I'm Worth?