sailing down a sunless sea downward to infinity no stars above to give me hope or guide me to an island shore with every change of course i make my destin--y remai-ns unchang---ed
no escape from this wilderness no running from this empti-ne---ss
...da-da-da-dahh duh da-da da da dahhh
ta-ke my ha-nd and come and come with me fa--r so far be-yond this storm this stormy sea rest your weary heart within leave the wor-ld behind my friend you've heard me calling for a long long time just take my hand and you will find...
...da-da-da-dahh duh da-da da da dahhh
so i turn my ship into the wind and fa-ce the tru-th that i have seen softly singing she calls my name with open arms i release my pain and as the sea closes over me my hea-rt at last finds ser-en-it---y
... oblivio--n a broken heart's best frie-nd
ta-ke my ha-nd and come and come with me fa-r so far be-yond this storm this stormy sea rest your weary heart within leave the wor-ld behind my friend you've heard me calling for a long long ti-me just take my hand and you will find...
... oblivio--n a broken heart's best fri-end
so i turn my ship into the wind embrace the heart of obli-vi---on...
"hello friend" she welcomes me within...
so ta-ke my ha-nd and come and come with me far so far bey-ond this storm this stormy sea rest your weary heart within leave the wor-ld behind my friend you've heard me calling for a long long time just take my hand and you will find...
obli-vi-o---n obli-vi--o---on obli-vi-o--n
" i'll be your bro-ken hea-rt's be-st frien--d... "
. Pic Poem .
no matter what the song says - oblivion - is not your friend...