These days I am amazed How this tiny apartment Suddenly contains so much space Vast, like an ocean I am drowning in endless spheres
I am thinking about how we didn’t even fit a couch into it How you threw away your old shoes How I buried mine under pillars of clothes in the cellar How the walls hugged us at night How our hopes and dreams tried to escape the window How we didn’t let them How we wanted to adopt a cat so badly How we were afraid the walls would swallow it
But this morning I woke up, Sheets like a large blanket of snow A heavy silence weighing me down So much air but so little breath
I barely saw the end of the room Just a dark tunnel where there is no light at the end or anything at all Just me and is ridiculously large space Suffocating me with its infinity
I recovered your stuff from the cellar Hung your pictures on the wall again Even put up that ugly shelf you used to love
But no matter how hard I tried to fill the room The floor just soaked in everything And there was only so much space