It's about time people open their eyes. Look around to the tradegy of the epedimic of victims walking around among us. How many more people do we have to lose to suicide before we take more action to stop this. Not because you have a sister, mother or daughter. Because she's a person. A human being with worth. Stop sweeping these things under a rug. There's no rug big enough to cover the damage that is caused by abuse. 1 in 3 women are survivors of ****** assault. How are we not outraged by this number?! We hear of some of the brave ones who dare to speak the evil that they have endured. But why do we still so rarely hear of the perpetrators & them taking the responsibility for their actions. It's like we have this deadly virus sweeping the world and people think they can just keep ignoring it. I'm tired of hearing victims being told not to speak the details of the harm done to them because it's just too hard for others to hear. Maybe you need to hear the brutal truth and sit with your discomfort. There's way too many of us walking around carrying these burdens alone. Times up on living in denial. Because what men fear the most about going to prison is what women fear most walking down the street alone. Time needs to stop running out for the victims of ****** assault that have the choice taken away from them. Time needs to run out for those that think they can just keep getting away with this. Yes, we are survivors. But when is it going to stop being so **** hard for us to keep surviving.