Stood at the top of this interstate highway thinking... I need to scream. I need to let the world know I am going to get there. I need to let you know you have no control. I needed to escape my control.
I didn't know I needed to get to this point until the cars below me were going 100 miles per hour and I was standing above the moving lights.
Stood at the top of this mountain and I looked down at the valley below thinking... I need to cry. I need to cry for myself and the girl I wanted to be. I need to cry for you... and how you left. I need to cry for everyone else to know that things are going to get better.
I didn't know I needed to get to this point until the sweat was dripping from my forehead and I was breathing in the fresh air around me.
Stood at the foot of my bed staring at the rumpled sheets from last nights conquest thinking... I have to ******* stop. I have to stop trying to run from the pain in every body that finds me attractive. I have to stop trying to substitute *** for love because I am almost sick of them both equally. I have to stop putting myself down.
I didn't know I needed to get this point until I was laying in bed with a man I didn't care to even get to know.