In the rain,
You boarded the train,
So many stuffs clouding your brain,
I could see the tension rising on your face,
One could tell the wrinkles by trace,
Silently I speak seeing you seated in front of me,
You gazed my way but pretended not to see,
What could be the reason behind your sadness?
Looking away I drown in my own madness,
We have been traveling together for few years,
Yet none had guts to talk cause of our fears,
As we reached the destination, I saw you leave,
I watched you from behind, touched your sleeve
You never responded, that made my heart grieve,
I left the cabin last, noticing a business card,
Flipped it up, I saw scribbled "life is hard"
As I reached my office, I dialed the number on the card,
A sad voice answered, sorry this call is barred,
I called again, this time, I spoke first,
Hi, am Sim, we travel in same train everyday,
Saw you sad, couldn't help calling you today,
I hope I could help if only you could talk,
Lets meet at the coffee shop down the block,
I saw you seated at the usual place,
"Black coffee please"!, I ordered in pace,
He looked relaxed, as our conversation started,
All this while he was thinking of me, which startled,
Things got smooth after a long walk,
With coffee in hand and him with his talk...
Poetic story. Fictional write. Spilling imagination.