Palms and hedges and drooping flowers Redeeming my desperation for a marvel Palms and hedges and drooping flowers We’ll get there soon, don’t sulk, let’s go
The moon is low today, something about it Makes me want to stay, dark green bends, Said end of an age, not for me, worth it but I know the Lord does not see like man-kind
Like bells, time tolls, but I’ve run distant – don’t hear ‘em Like resurrection, time’s ignored, so I’m not afraid to hold you close Long travels are tiresome but get you were you want to go
And finally I’m in the house of redemption like more – Morrison It’s easy to love the more long lanes, dark hours Won’t trade it at all, these what money’s for Taken with soft tropic pain, I watch the moon alone But this is bliss, maddening bliss, want it, give me bliss
The moon is bright and old, reflecting the sun Like I do a great design. City’s a beautiful lagoon With gems lingering in their own detention Not it’s not decided so I’ll sing it cold, electric