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Dec 2017
I thought I was dreaming.

Everything was here.
Present as the sun.
Nothing torn apart.
Nothing come undone.

The world seemed right.
But somehow wrong.
I thought I knew truth.
Thought I knew where I belong.

Peace covered me.
Like a cotton quilt.
The world appeared frozen.
No harm had been built.

For once I felt good.
My mind at peace.
Nothing could hurt me.
No evil beast.

The beast of greed.
Of hatred and hurt.
Was far away.
Buried under the dirt.

My mind was resting.
For once in my life.
A moment of safety.
A dull edged knife.

The knife of survival.
The knife of the flesh.
Would strike once again.
And the wound would be fresh.
Written by
lins  22/F/here and there
(22/F/here and there)   
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