The clear blue sky seems to stretch endlessly Peace; all is calm Countless blessings have been received My heart is full Gradually the dark clouds press down The storm arrives Memories of joy and comfort feel worlds away now An unreachable light Guilt consumes me for feeling weak and wanting to give up Have I not been blessed? Chaos consumes me and I am unable to stand for another moment I fall to my knees My cries - I assume - cannot be heard over the raging torrent He hears me The turmoil does not cease, but He has come to my aid once again My strength is renewed With restored hope and an invincible support bearing me up I face the wind; resilient The times I fall give meaning to each opportunity I have to rise I am determined Heavy clouds begin to disperse and the thunder is now a distant murmur Calm is on the horizon The gloom is disrupted by light piercing through the cloud’s heavy cover A decision is to be made Does the contrasting light give me the power to press forward? I fear it does not For my gaze is still fixed upon the churning storm What little faith I have! The storm is never going to pass, though it may rest for a season My heart aches I yearn for the blue skies to encompass me again The desire to quit is unbearable Tender mercies are sent to help me realign my will to His My perspective shifts As I allow myself to open my heart and lean on my Savior, I will be taught His ways are higher Frustration will consume me if I am not cautious and willing to listen The Spirit is my constant companion When the nights drag on and the merciless storm rages unceasingly, I will wait Those piercing beams will return Until the light breaks through though, I will look to my Savior as He lifts me I do not know where we will go But as long as I let God guide us, I know that our destination is Home My trust is in Him