It's bleeding from the inside, out. The feelings I have for you. It eats me up inside, But what else can I do, when I'm helpless to you? If life were a battlefield, you stand strong above me My weapon in your hands As well as my pleas. My fate, your fate. Our lives rely on your decision.
I've started to cry knowing that you'll never see or hear of this. You'll never know about the love I have for you. It burns strong, But your furnace is already lit So I return to the sadness and depression yet again.
This poem was written for you, Rainbow. It was supposed to be powerful and deep, just like you liked it, With a strong descriptive, just like you wanted it. But my mind is heavily clouded and my eyes are cracked dry With nothing but your beauty resting on my mind. Long, flowing midnight hair, holding onto any light A Nonchalant expression, Yet a face of wonder That lives for the night A laughable height, Making you that more cute in protest Finding excitement and humor in that which is grotesque. A few of the shining qualities that make you all the more real. An anchor in a great storm The stability I desperately needed In such a volatile world. A rainbow in the rising tide. You radiate the entire spectrum, A Dazzling light. Do you realize how bright you shine?
But, as rare as you are As there are rainbows in the sky You've given me happiness As temporary as it was