morning light is always the most beautiful there's a kind of tenderness that borders on pure naivete an inexperienced fracture of grace that unfortunately the sunset does not contain although i am never awake for it i am acutely aware of it behind closed eyelids There's an optimism I've never felt on the creases of my palms
i wish i could explain to you how boring that art gallery was i can't remember what color shirt i was wearing there's a lot of things i'm only half there for i'll drift to nowhere precise and my eyes will get that faraway glow of a look and you'll think i'm in love but it's just my inattentiveness to stay in my body for long i'm less devil may care and more jitterbug hiding it's own epileptic seizure
i guess it's all about forgetting things and then trying to find where you put them sometimes you stop looking altogether and come to terms with the fact that some things want to remain lost morning light is always the most beautiful
this is a careful deconstruction on how i feel about delicate and ethereal things