The moment I saw your face I knew Nothing could ever satisfy my lust for you And fate shall be my guardian angel to never leave your side I knew that every part of me would crave your skin to touch just mine And every inner part of me jealous of those very parts
I want to lick, to taste your skin Want everything between my lips I want to feel all of your skin With more than just my fingertips
And I know that inside of you will never even please desires I built up over all this time And I know that each part of you on me will never meet my greed To have it all just for myself
I want to cut your skin apart and find a shelter in your hull I want to be close to your soul And not just things that carry flesh
I want to have you in my blood To flow within in my cramping veins I need to have you in my blood And feel you pump inside my heart
I need you to be one with me Not ***, not bride, but one dead hull That shelters both our souls within
That's all I'll ever ask of you To stay with me forevermore.