Remember When we were kids And a planetarium Was a most wonderful place Everyone simply obsessed With outer space. It was strange And new And beautiful It was full of wonder As was everything A galaxy of stars And empty space We were flying through it all To a new planet For us to discover Floating towards the future It was like a dream But as we grow up We realize Falling stars are chunks of ice and rock Not wishes And stars and the sun Are ***** of flaming gas The wonder fades And you realize Outer space Would truly be a lonely place Alone out there But I guess it would still better Than here And you yearn For that wonder to come back But even if it would Someone would take it away They always do. Growing up is sudden And shocking And changes you Forever And you wish you could go back To planetariums And outer space But you can't. We are all stars ***** of fire That will eventually die out. But some of us are falling And hoping someone will catch us.