You want to give me the speech you want to act like I haven't heard it before assume you've existed purely for this moment
that death dying don't refer to me first
my own worst enemy these words trail down the stairs morph a train behind ankles as the morning coffee begins to percolate they don't just sing me to sleep they roll over just as Im starting to slip into a dreamless night and bite the end of my ear nibble away licking my neck until I pulse only for them how each moment each passing breath I cannot forget when the time ran out for each fragile discipline of atoms, molecules I loved so tenderly
as they slowly exited my life as I severed them from my cerebral cortex to protect myself as they jumped from the tallest bridge in Portland shoved the needle deeper into their skin
left me to remember them left me to forget them left me to watch as each leaf falls to the ground wave crashes around my knees
grief will sing me to sleep I'm my own worst enemy.