I want to have an empty funeral. Praises of God, Voices filled by the scripture, No tears, but celebration over my now dead fears. Can you hear the silent weeps Placed over my dead body dressed in a great white suit ? I'm ready to be at peace with my roots.
Hear the lullaby of the soft paino taps As the preacher, that is God Gives a sermon about my life, Which is now blessed in righteous. Mourn over the healing, The ones alive can't cope with this feeling. My spirit is released to the sky I am one with christ's embrace, Can't you see the huge smile on my face ?
The final chapter is written Speak all my pain and struggle to all the empty seats at my funeral. Hoping that one voice Echos into hearts of millions That will, Hear it. Come, fill in the seats And watch my casket close Finally at peace As I share a new life with my mother. She's the only one that came to my empty funeral. God bless all of you.