People die But we carry on with our habits We still sip 2 cups of turkish coffee 3 times a day We still reunite around Sunday's meal We still clean the dishes right after lunch We still try to close our eyes and sleep We still take cabs to get to our jobs We still make little jokes here and there We still drink hot cocoa in the morning and tea at night We still sleep in our underwear We still hug our biggest pillow in bed We still wear the same perfume We still nag about going to work We still take naps We still carry a notebook everywhere we go Almost everything goes back to being the same But there is this little something inside us, not a scar not sadness nor grief nor anger nor denial, but something that has twisted and changed, something that has cried and learned, something that can move a heavier mountain now, something that keeps us going with who we are. Something like a storm, that destroys all the frail roads and all the frail apartments - a strong hurricane with all the winter's rain that blows away your clothes and makeup and washes you clean again.
- LynnAA
I miss you I love you Thank you
Visit me more often in my shower. I need to feel you. I have so much more to tell you.