Retention of repetition in modified replication reflects the information of evolution's disquisition demographic disposition to ferry the merry who listen Psych out the vex and hex the wicked complex Circumstantial reason in the season its civil unrest Complacent implications ignited by degradation The muted separation of lungs and aspiration A few maybe more to mob the truth be unexplored Forsaken by tradition of wishing never more Disputing time and relativity inability to be given free Verse the heart though be not amazed by the lack or hidden empathy Commiseration of unmitigated hesitation casting darkness before the integration of our heart is a meager part devoted to the subtle structure of ones nature developed underneath the poise of well built characterΒ Β to divide and conquer if one were to try and squander the real power and only wander for it's those very same demons of the past that are now used as fuel for the fires of the future. How will you temper the flames that burn so?