I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I didn't mean to **** it all up I don't wanna lose you But if that's what happens Then I deserve it ... You shouldn't be friends with someone Who hurts you so badly Without even knowing how or what they did I don't deserve you And I'm sorry For hurting you I didn't mean to I didn't mean to upset you I didn't know what to say I didn't how I did what I did And I was too idiotic to even realize What I said could be interpreted in an entirely different way And it didn't occur And in my own ****** up and stupid self centered thoughts I didn't know what to say I didn't know how to apologize I didn't know what to apologize for And that's ****** up. I never want to be that person And I don't want to lose you. But immediately after I turned away and knew I would lose you. Why would I apologize when you're mind is already made up How can I change the unchangeable And that's ****** up And I'm ****** up And I don't deserve you And I'm sorry. For everything. For what I said And what I thought And how I didn't respond How I didn't apologize How ****** up that was. ... Please go. Please leave me actually. I don't deserve you. No because I'm a ****** up human being. And you deserve so much more than this I'm ****** up And I hurt you I wounded you And I never meant to. And you shouldn't deal with someone like that Thats someone you let go.