Does He Still Deny A Climate Change? (asked by the least political of observers)
Is he denying still, Or is he stalling, stone(y)walling Wailing about other things, Like Mexicans and walls while slinging Maddening, outrageous barbs About the so-called loss of jobs To South Korea while a North Korean TV lady sobs with joy About a bomb to be employed (You all know which I mean) That starts a chain That takes out half a planet.
Does he still encourage fossil fuel production Leading in the wrong direction? Does he not see rising seas And floods and famines and disease Around and as potential? Heats and droughts and quakes to come? Or does he see the states as humming? Self-deception quintessential: Lies. Who can call it otherwise?
What is a lie? And how does one get by with lying And denying, falsifying, flying In the face of truth As often as he tries – no, does. With head, mind, pen, hand buzzing I shall stop! But you, my friend May make a noise, examine cause, while empathizing Till an end. This being written off the cuff, Now it is time to send this off Into the world of cyber.
Does He Still Deny A Climate Change 9.3.2017 Our Times, Our Culture II; Arlene Corwin