Created in an image of you, woven in the palms of creation. But you made a broken puppet, one that will never be real.
Sins of a father who wove wrong stitches within, but called for us not to sin. But why collect the coins that you thrown within the pond?
Rippling within, you knew of its calling yet sealed it in. Said that we would fall from graces, but the grace was already dimmed.
Then I realized that you weren't what I was told, no father would inherently seed you with this contempt, just to know you'll fail no matter the ending
Sins of a father who isn't really there, never would you have done this if you wanted us beneath you chair. I wash my thoughts of this distaste.
I know now that your just a sadness of false words, for a fathers wish is to bring you into a world pure. Who would want to birth flaws if not for the purpose of failure.
Looking onward I'm my own decisions, not flawed from birth, we all have our own morality its human kindness, thought. Sins of a father that never spoke any words.