Lonesome solace where the Complacent Sit in a circle Criss crossed I saw him Lie in the middle Smirk wrapped againstΒ Β teeth
As they pushed deeper and deeper inside me
Alone Void of lonesome I didnt drive in fear while the knife wielded into my spine I led the cowardly Edge of the lake standing
His needle just rested against his forearm Poison barely made it into The vein next to Thick lined tattoo Said he barely felt pain
The past tense Was edible It melted into euphoria Forgetfulness was a privilege I could be consumed by moments Hours Where his ringing noises didnt Completely devour Where he didnt catapult me into Leaping fenses Shoving cliffsides
I'm capsized Defined by an adlib By bullet holes and Splinters
Wish I could have wrapped my fists tighter Made the pigment of my beating heart Lighter.