I was all alone, just me, just one You see alone, alone has the word one and there is only one of me and only one of you But what word means us and has the word two because I don’t want one alone, I want us the two I have tried so hard to find the word because I want you, and I want us, and I want true, and I want two How about the word Artwork? That has the word two Does it work, because you are a work of art and I work hard to find our word with two Trustworthy! That’s it, right? It has the word two, and I trust you, but do you trust me…? I don’t know Paintwork… It has the word two, but it also has the word pain and then there is the word outwork And I feel outworked, trying to find the word that has two, to prove to you, my love is true, and that’s all I want to do But why isn’t there a word for two?
This is part 1 out of 3. Share, follow, and heart pleeeeeeaaaasssse!!!!