a downpour the season in which I was born, baby shower- we made a pond, now let's insert a pun... oh wait, it's already done but it was a bad one
i guess i'm still wet behind the ears.. oh **** another one, slip of the tongue, and i'm all washed up from the stress
it's absurd but i'm drowning in the rain- a bad metaphor for negative over thinking maybe. though by the way i have a paper heart and i'm stuck in the rain, won't anyone save me? guess not
i'll get high with my words just to fill a hole of emptiness brought by confusion and doubt, to blur out noises from outside with noises from the inside, a distraction through a mute facade of confidence and an assurance to myself that i am okay.
it's convoluted i know; from making puns to emotional grunts, it doesn't make sense- i don't make sense