i couldn’t live without you and every breath i take is better when its with you
when I’m around you my stomach twists into knots and my tongue ties up and my face flushes because you make me nervous and excited all at once
i can imagine your smile without closing my eyes and i can trace the crinkles on your face in an instant
my heart quickens when I’m with you and when we go without talking i can’t focus
when I’m not with you i crave to be and when I’m with you i can’t control myself because I’m so utterly in love with you
i would move mountains to make you happy
the words don’t exist yet to describe the way you make my nerves jolt and my arms to shiver and my thoughts to be so jumbled with even the thought of
you, beautiful you,
because you are my everything
the magnitude of my love for you bursts through the spectrum of the universe leaving me to contemplate how i can explain to you the way you make me feel
i long for when we talk because you make me laugh and my heart fills with joy
you know me better than i know myself and i don’t know what id do without you