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Jul 2017
At the meeting of her breast there is  
an avalanche of creation
Sweet love pours down
Like milk and honey

The center of the earth
Moves in the pit of her belly
Blessed creature
Lay still!
Stay hidden at the core

The genesis of all creation
The perfect balance of him and her

The mother
With brown skin like dirt
With black skin like midnight skies
With full lips like animals
Full lips like the ripest berry
With hair corse and unkept
Difficult to tame and mighty to look at

You are birthed from strength
A song sung for generations
Passed down by hushed tongues
and calloused hands
A blood song
Of family and sacrifice

Sweet angel
You are loved by the world
And hated by the very ones who
could only dream to create
Such a masterpiece

When you kick the power in your limbs
Move mountains
When you stretch
Your fingers brush twilight
and sunbeams

Dear Mother Earth has outdone herself
once again!
Jul 11. 2015
Written by
Taylor Kennerly  22
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