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Jul 2017
I want my poems to scream of ***,
of lust and of carnal fuckery.
To ******* the seeds of words,
****-splashed on a page of muckery.

And teasing those clitoral synapses,
along nerve lines of innuendo.
Lapping verses in the valley below,
raising fantasy to literal crescendo.

I want my words to make you ***,
and ache over and over again.
To shriek my name and fall in love
with my purple tipped pen.

And with my seminal inky spillage
'pon your creamy sheets of vellum,
remember now those ***** stanzas
****** deep into your cerebellum.

© Pagan Paul (24/07/17)
Pagan Paul
Written by
Pagan Paul  Bristol, England
(Bristol, England)   
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