Love -when the word is spoken it can seem bitter sweet. -like candy that rolls off the tongue with a faint yet sour-sweet taste.
Freedom -to some but a dream to others declaration -keeps one smiling, looking forward to the future, while another takes for granted, doing all that they wish.
Friends -people nearby, convenient and useful. People you love, care for, want to be with forever. -used like tools to better yourself, cared for too much betrayed and alone, or stuck with forever; home away from home.
Depression -tears, a sadness, a hate for yourself, unable to think so-called "happy thoughts" -told its fake, just learn to smile. Going untreated, spark in eyes gone for awhile.
Strength -physical, mental, objectively so. Not always the greatest but strive to be so. -causes fights, ruins friendships, who is better? Measurement of abilities to see who is a go-getter.
Beauty -a social construct, designed to keep in charge those who value their own opinion. Not caring who they make hurt inside. -true beauty, being oneself, something hard to come across. Too wrapped up in others words to take a look at what they've lost.
Heroes -"anyone can be a hero, even you." -but if we believe that's true, why do we hold them so high above the rest, if anyone of us qualify for the test?