Silence the whimpers. There is nothing to mourn. Some can still remember what the empty lot held 0nce. Colors and excitement clashed with such vigor. Someone should have caught how quickly it would go up in smoke. Like a leaf in the Sahara. Smothered and withered. Every time one would pick up the remains. More would fall away. As if the attempt at repair only invited more distance. Arguing is useless. For there are new toys on the playing field. Some that trample down others while playing the only card received. The haze over the land has become thick with regret. And even though the pain sparks from every corner of the wasteland. Not a single flower has bloomed Just years of weeds and insecticides to populate the once beautiful surroundings. Now the barren plain whispers as if there were ears to listen. More or less to be validated. It's sad to see ships leave the harbor withouts sails. And weird to think back with such wide smiles. When the only expression left. Is a sigh.