I never loved you I loved the attention To break your heart is my only intention You smile you laugh you try to talk But time is just getting closer for me to walk You say nice things and such sweet lies But your mouth is rotten and filled with flies Your lips are soft and sweet But filled with poisonous deceit
I'm you're Cinderella can't you see? It's always been me But your eyes only see pigs Not the flower amongst the figs
You're peculiar A new allure You find your jaw impeccable But your character: dependable Your heart is your affliction With it comes your eviction You plead to Him to let you stay You promise you won't walk away
A second chance Another glance You see your fathers hand A marching band A white beach sand You gain a new stance
Mirror mirror on the wall Who's the fairest of them all The one who carries Him in his heart Can lead a life with a fresh start