I wish I could live in the same house As my brothers and my little sisters I wish I could sleep under the same roof As my family does
I wish the same shingles that cover my birth giver And the same blankets that cover my male parental unit Covered me
I wish.
But, there are a few things that come between The intentional emotional detachment The loving abusive comments The lying, aggression and confrontation, those definitely factor in
But you know when God closes a door he opens a window But when you don't have a door to lock and hide behind, God can't close it.
But the creepy old man Who's touched me And tried to touch me The way my mouth taste like metal when I bite my tongue to keep from screaming in fustration The way my body freezes as his claws dig into my leg The way my mind breaks down like crumbs of a cookie
That is to much to bear.
I have a question.
When you got your Daddy card did you skip over the fine print? Did you forget your glasses so that you couldn't read? Did you just skim over it to fast so that it didn't register? You know, the part where it says protection?
Provision. You got that down pat. No doubt about it. But I mean 50%? That's not a pass by any grading system.
Daughter. It slips off the end of my tongue and tries to crawl back in. So many times have I had to retreat within myself because I was not under your wings.
Do I love you? Yes. Do I trust you? Not with a spoon. Not with my heart, not with myself.
Does that sadden my soul? Oh Lord does it ever. I wish it was another way. I wish I could live in your house. But a house of hell is not one I can call home.