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Jun 2017
What do you do,
when the path ahead,
is filled with thorns,
and may never lead anywhere?

What do you do,
when all that is behind,
is a gaping hole,
the abyss called despair?

Do you move forward,
and hope for the best?
Believe a false hope,
that may only end with darkness?

Or do you give up?
Let yourself fall,
and be engulfed completely,
by the empty never-ending hopelessness?

But then isn't it better,
to have hope,
even if the journey is harsh and not easy,
even when the ending unknown?

Even if the results may be unkind,
and the aftermath painful.
Isn't that better than to be left in the sadness,
cold, alone, and hollow
The Writer
Written by
The Writer  F
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