living in the space between truth and reality, fleshing out fact and fiction.
Honestly, honesty doesn't always mean accuracy.
Symposium of grief and all its little tear soldiers, running down your face, fleeing the battlefield before the war's even begun.
I wish you would stop. Bringing logic into this, that's so like you, like logic does any good when I'm like this.
Why do you get like this?
I don't know. Ask God. He has a very sick sense of humor.
I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm getting beyond myself. I'm getting tired. I'm getting so tired, darling.
Erasing myself from history, not that hard. The only mark I ever made was on myself, young and stupid on the cold bathroom floor, begging God to throw me a crumb.
I don't remember everything from those years. Now when I think of blurriness, I think red.
Jesus. It hurts to write this.
I tried explaining it to you once. I tried to tell the truth, but it wasn't the right one.
What is your truth?
Do you really want to know?
I could spend the rest of my life writing about this. I hope I don't.