I am an object so use me to your ill advised.
I am nothing more than a slender figure beneath the sheets.
Once occupied beside me but now,
I am alone.
I am alone and scared.
You have left me in a crumpled manner,
an innocence stripped,
Mind erased of thought.
I had lain there in amidst your peppered bruises,
sprinkled all over my body like the gentle snow outside but nothing was ever so gentle about you.
I had fought,
I had kicked,
I had screamed.
What more could I do than to lay down in defeat beneath the rocks that were your hands, your body as a brick.
Your raspy voice in my ear as I lay limp,
In the sheets,
Once occupied,
But now alone.
How could I have known a smile so sweet,
A voice so smooth,
A gesture so kind,
Heavily turned to hushed violence,
A slip,
A fall,
A dark memory.
Your hand clamped over my soft lips now torn,
Your body between my bare legs, now bruised and red,
My mind innocent and pure now rots with your voice that rings in my head as you dump me in my normality.
I sorely walk,
I sorely stumble,
I sorely drop into the hot water to burn your touch away.
I will not forget you,
I will carry your scars you left,
And I will pretend I did not exist that night.
I died in those empty sheets,
I was embodied into the name I had earned.
****, is what you called me.
I will not forget how you wiped your hands on me,
I will not forget that I am nothing more than an object.
Use me to your ill advised.
This is a very personal piece and if I need to make any adjustments or changes, message me privately.