Look down. Is your money slipping away As if it never was? And can you not figure out What is the basic cause? Look down. Are you hands not quite beige And are there calluses there? Then your Trump Republicans In Congress don’t really care.
Look down. Are you a pregnant woman Who has no sacks of gold? Are you sick and poor now? Are you broke and old? Look down. Do you have a few million You can donate to the GOP Then likely you are ******* And have suffered silently.
If you sit and let them do evil And don’t stand and resist. They’ll use your sacred words To prove your rights don’t exist.
Look down. Do you watch the television And believe all you see? Does the Christian right dictate How your existence should be? Look down. Are you sick of war and hate And can’t see it ever ending? Just realize it’s Congressional villains That our country is befriending.
Look down. Are you living up to the goals You set for yourself in life? Or is your government killing us all And handing you the knife? Look down. There is hope if we all act And pull these criminals down. It’s our fault they are even there. They run the circus, don’t be a clown.
If you sit and let them do evil And don’t stand and resist. They’ll use your sacred words To prove your rights don’t exist.