I've been waiting years now But it won't be too long Before I can turn to those grade school ****** And tell them they were wrong
Boys chased me and jailed me 'neath the slide And chipped one of my teeth Now I can run down halls in heels And hike twenty miles through trees
Kids ran from me like a monster for a whole year They told me I was spoiled cheese Later I learned that I was not so rancid And that it's okay to be a bit of a beast
Classmates would tell me I was ugly By rewriting lyrics of Bruno Mars I'm not a model, but I can pull off As many styles as the stars
I once had two boys kick me off monkey bars They told me I was on their hit list It was terrifying to me then Now it's hilarious how wildly they missed
I remember that boy who taunted me And how I flipped over his desk Since then, I've learned of subtlety And how not to leave a mess
I knew a girl in first grade, she sat across from me And made sure I knew I was weird I know I'm an oddball for a fact now Why change the way I'm geared?
I'm still not over all of those words From people who said "kids are mean" "Sticks and stones will break my bones" Now I overthink what my words mean
In the back of my mind, when I'm talking To an acquaintance or friend A part of me keeps popping up, asking "Why do they like me, again?"
But at the end of all those days It's been five years since I've been gone Looking at the girl I am now, I'd say I've been pretty good at moving on
Inspired by this vid and my own life: https://youtu.be/2EOJqzfWZvc