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Jan 2017
Dark but not evil,
Hurt but not hurting,
She's been like that
She's been like that -from the beginning,

All the insecurities within,
And all the beautiful people around,
She was intimidated, bruised,
But she didn't make a sound,

She wondered,
"How it is so easy for them?
To laugh, to live,
And to make friends,

How is it that I don't fit in?
How is it possible for a human,
To be as weak,
As a butterfly wing?

And what could have been,
If only I was pretty enough,
Just maybe I wouldn't look so dumb."

After always being left behind,
If now she wants to be alone,
What do you expect?
If not a heart like a stone?

She's the hero of her own story,
A villain, at the same time,
Some days, she saves herself,
Some days, she has demons to dine
Written by
Annie  22/F/Pakistan
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