you tell me that good people are everywhere but where are all these good people when the facts are screaming "emergency, emergency" "alert, alert" when the facts say that almost every ******* this planet has at least once in her life been touched in a way she didn't consent to the facts say that most ****** predators are known to the children fathers; fathers have ***** their daughters while mothers cry silently because the world does not want to hear the stories under the blanket the guilt and the shame the pain. the pain.
you say there are good people show me show me that boy who gives to charity his hand rode up my skirt last week that girl who prays five times a day she watched as her boyfriend called me a *****
my five year old cousin knows what it's like to be penetrated
i lost my virginity before i got my period
my best friend doesn't want to be touched because she sees her ******'s face in every man
i was blackmailed by a boy who said he wanted to marry me
my mom; my mom and i have bonded over what it feels like to have a man inside you who doesn't doesn't belong there
what kind of god wants an empty heaven? because the kind of people on this earth the filthy **** who carved their names between my thighs there are too many there are too many men who have done women who have watched silent observers silent thieves murderers no one says anything then they pray to god but their sins their sins are on my skin see me see me as i burn see me as i burn because if these repenters who have lived their lives hurting others who say their grace then stuff their ***** in my face if these repenters are who i will find in heaven then i do not want to go i do not want to go to a heaven with them i do not want to go to a paradise that looks a whole lot like hell
but if god chooses to not forgive these repenters then heaven will be empty because we are sinners we are all sinners we ask for forgiveness then do it again
i have lied i have cheated i have wished ill upon another
tell me; am i good person? was he a good person? when he ***** me then apologized when he ***** me then prayed when he ***** me then cried and said he made a mistake
when he ***** me said sorry and did it again.
if he makes it to heaven i'll take the other train if he does not then none of us will because our devils are too clean and our angels too *****
i'm not quite sure if i'm looking for repentance or for revenge i have done wrong and i have been wronged is there a place for me in heaven?
what kind of god wants an empty heaven? what kind of god wants a heaven full of sinners?
where is the god that will love me?
where is the god that will forgive me?
not quite sure if i'm looking for repentance or revenge