I was born of dust and bones, to a battered mother across the pond. With a warm ***** and gentle hand, she would cradle me gently.
On a many days, her eyes would melt tears into my cotton wool blanket. I felt her agony seep through the simple fabric of our bond.
The coward would stalk her with his angry words, Knowing she could not leave him, because she feared more bitter moments of bruises
During the silent times, her violent screams would turn to whispers and lost time, But she would always find a way to cradle me in her arms.
As minutes turned to hours in the day, I laid helpless in my crib. A somber calm shadowed over me, the feeling of my warmth was gone. I wept but a single tear down my rounded red cheek.
I could not cry anymore, for I feared those angry words and violent hands. I laid in her whispers and lost time. The cradle of her warm ***** and gentle hand were no longer here.
From an infant point of view. Cradled by a mother, we seem to never forget when it all started