As for me, I chose the alternatives To do what is right without the superlatives, To love people without any threat A choice too many have not made yet. A loving but jealous and wrathful god? Even those words put together sound odd. If this omnipotence were on the level Why not smite the heck out of the devil?
I never understood that stuff about Eden. Why have just one tree off limits even? To people who were basically children Why was part of paradise ever forbidden? Any parent will tell you about their kids They would do exactly as those two did. You couldn’t keep them away with a truncheon. Those kids would have a ****** luncheon.
Oh, and what a self-righteous creep was He To do what what he did to Job endlessly. It has always sounded evil torture to me; The work of a cloud-bound twisted bully. Then for no reason anybody could ever tell He created a son and then cast him into hell. He let the Devil make a punching bag of Jesus. This God creature seems to do what he pleases.
So what about this legend is so wonderful That we heap money on priests by the basketful? We create huge bejeweled palaces everywhere And insist they are houses of God and swear To visit them will make us all godly creatures. Yet we demand no solid proof of those teachers. If a car salesman delivered like that on a promise, We’d take him out to and pound him into pumice.