They tell me I look tired, To get some rest, But they don’t understand The way my thoughts race While I’m trying to sleep Keeping me up all night.
They make jokes that sting And ask why I’m so uptight, But they don’t understand That I fear everything And the worrying doesn’t stop But it’s out of my control.
They mock me And my fake laugh, But they don’t understand That sometimes I’m so down And my thoughts are so scary That I use it to hide the pain Because showing it Would make them run.
They tell me that I’m too hyper That I’m an annoyance And I need to calm down, But they don’t understand That sometimes I reach highs That I can’t control But they’re easier to witness Than the terrifying lows.
They say I need to worry less And tell me to just relax, But they don’t understand That if it was that easy I would be the calmest person In the world Because that is all I want.
They tell me my illness isn’t real That it’s all in my head, But they don’t understand That mental illness Is just as uncontrollable And painfully fatal As cancer.
They say I’m crazy That I’m ****** up and weird, But they don’t understand What goes on in my head And how much it hurts To be misunderstood.