I used to dream of success, of finding hope in the darkest abyss, of being loved in a hateful world, of seeking truth in this messed up world, of making peace in a chaotic ensemble.
Now? I dream of escaping reality, of ending my life sooner or later. I dream of a day when I don't cry myself to sleep, a day when I'll feel as happy as before. I dream of a time when I won't worry about being replaced, a time when I won't just be the second option. I dream of people who would not hurt me, of people who do not carelessly throw words around not minding their actions.
Now I dream of a different life, one unlike mine, one where I do not feel used, forgotten, unloved, or broken.
I don't know what to do anymore. I can survive but not live truly. I just want it all to end. I can't go to anyone, I don't trust myself nor them.