◈◈◈ O' Lord Flourish her With all the success She is magnificent I Must confess ◈ Give Her long And healthy life Take my remaining years And let forever her Thrive ◈ O' Lord Bless her with More charms and beauty Forgive her actions and Grant her a Bounty ◈ Let Her accomplish All her wishes and dreams Give her all the strength and Knowledge so that She gleams ◈ O' Lord Gift her with all the Wealth and what she desires So she may appreciate your Kindness and return her Admires ◈ Grant Her a place In heavens hereafter Let her attain your joy For the ultimate life Thereafter ◈ O' Lord Please accept My sincere and Heartily Prayers ◈ Let Not go to Waste my high Hopes and my Flowing Tears ◈ You are All-powerful And a witness To all ◈ You are The greatest Helper for the People who Fall. ◈ — Jamil Hussain