Hi. You might not know me But for real I don't even blame you I gave up long ago on sharing who I was while hiding who I am
Hi. I seem a stranger good and bad and all the in-between It wasn't so pretty or easy, or real, or "fine" but I am OK now.
Hi. I was an addict. drugs of choice? Elusive approval Associated shame Stolen identity Yes, I was just a fraud.
Hi. Here I am broken. you scold me and then I lose myself a scapegoat to be razed to be a throwaway But I raised my self up.
Hi. Iām a mosaic Living art I'm pieces of past lives And though I was scattered I am collected now I made this this beauty
This isn't my piece - my friend's Tiff aka Scarlet Begonia. I'm posting this for her pure honesty and the beauty of how she put it. Love new talent. Love it. Enjoy.